Leena Kinnunen’s Career Journey at InnoGreen


Abundance, eesponsibility, and ease. InnoGreen’s green designer Leena Kinnunen tells about her leap into the world of greenery and sales and what is currently expected from green interior design.Having studied design, Kinnunen built a career as an interior designer. The pandemic prompted her to reconsider the direction of her career and the work-life balance. She aspired to find a fulfilling job that could be balanced with family life. Now, after a year at InnoGreen, Kinnunen describes her decision as “the best ever.”“InnoGreen has been exactly what I imagined and more,” Kinnunen begins. “They take care of their employees, everyone is on the same page. We respect and help each other, and there is genuinely a great atmosphere.”In addition to a positive work culture, Kinnunen highlights the importance of responsibility. InnoGreen takes concrete actions for a more sustainable green industry, such as discontinuing the sale of silk plants. While silk plants are still used in challenging conditions in the green industry, InnoGreen stopped selling silk plants in early 2023.“Giving up silk plants was a really fantastic thing. It’s courageous to take the first step in the direction the entire industry should go and, at the same time, take the financial risk that silk plant buyers might go elsewhere. I think it shows that InnoGreen genuinely stands behind its values. When the goal is to be more responsible, it requires actions like these.”As a green designer, Kinnunen works as part of the sales team, and about half of her clients are interior architects and interior designers.“I speak the language of designers, so to speak. I understand our clients’ perspective, can read floor plans quickly, and grasp the goals and wishes of the client. Collaboration is pleasant and easy when there is a common understanding.”Kinnunen feels that a strong sales team consists of professionals with diverse backgrounds. While Kinnunen comes from the world of interior architecture, she finds it extremely rewarding to work with colleagues who have a longer career in the green industry. “We can learn from each other and bring different expertise to the implementations. This way, we can serve our clients in a very versatile manner. Even though the client mainly deals with me, they have the expertise of the entire staff at their disposal.”In her work, Kinnunen meets clients, visits spaces, creates plans on the computer, and occasionally puts her hands into the soil. Kinnunen says that as a designer, it’s crucial to see the entire service process and understand how her plan on paper becomes a reality in the hands of plant installers.“It is extremely valuable to see the work of our installers and plant care team. A successful implementation requires thoroughness from each of us, and I greatly appreciate the expertise of every InnoGreen employee. It’s eye-opening when I get to create moss panels, plant, and deliver plants to clients’ spaces myself. In my work, I get to see the whole picture and understand what we sell and how long each phase takes. We don’t just sell plants; we sell a service package and green experiences. Every detail must be taken into account.”Changing circumstances demand a transformation in the green industry Work has changed. Many companies have adopted a hybrid model, and the use of office spaces has evolved. The importance of the comfort of office spaces has increased, and spaces need to support collaboration and creativity.Kinnunen explains that currently, green interior design is expected to provide jungle-like abundance. Moss and large-leaved plants, in particular, are popular. Sustainability is also discussed more, and that’s why InnoGreen’s domestic Birch products are in high demand.Kinnunen predicts that the significance of green interior design will only grow in the future, and the reason is simple: an inviting space attracts people, whether it’s a workplace, shopping center, restaurant, or store. A professional green design plan, which considers the budget, desires, and space, serves as the starting point for successful green interior design.“Good green interior design reflects the space and its users. Green design is essential because plants are part of the decor. They significantly affect the atmosphere, comfort, and also communicate about the company,” Kinnunen says. “Green design is the key to sustainable greenery. One must consider the space conditions, choose suitable pots and other solutions for the space, and, of course, select the right plants in terms of species and size. In pots with several different plants, the importance of plant choices is emphasized as the plants should both look good together and be compatible.”Green interior design is also expected to be easy, and therefore, more people are hoping for a complete package including everything from design to maintenance. Traditionally, lush greenery has required a larger initial investment and made it challenging for some companies to acquire greenery. The tightened economic situation also makes new investments more challenging. That’s why all of InnoGreen’s indoor and outdoor products are now available as a flexible service.The monthly rental service does not require significant initial investments or a long commitment. The service includes design, products, plants, installation, maintenance, and at the end of the rental period, the removal of all items. Enjoying greenery is now easier than ever.“Many companies are now in constant change, and office spaces may change too. That’s why greenery as a service is an easy option. It scales according to need, and after an office move, there won’t be poorly maintained potted plants lying around,” says Kinnunen. “With the flexible monthly service, impressive, responsible, and welcoming greenery is available to an increasing number of people.”

Finnish Koivu Challenges Mass Production


Timeless Koivu products pave the way for a more sustainable green industry! Koivu products, with their design and various size options, fit well into diverse spaces and interior styles. The product family, including pots, room dividers, panels, and green walls, is designed and manufactured in Finland using Finnish birch plywood. They challenge their competitors in mass production: Why make poor choices when you can make better ones?

InnoGreen’s stabilized plants and moss panels provide a sustainable alternative to plastic plants


Plastic plants have often been seen as the only possible solution for spaces where living plants cannot thrive due to environmental conditions. InnoGreen, known for its green walls and innovative green decor solutions, decided to discontinue the sale of plastic plants starting from the beginning of 2023 and introduced stabilized plants instead. The stabilization method is already familiar to many through our lush moss walls. Moss enthusiasts have good news, as alongside customized solutions, InnoGreen is now launching striking birch-framed moss and lichen boards.

Well-being for every space with a lighter green wall


At InnoGreen, we believe in the power of plants to promote well-being and we want to make them available for every space. That’s why we designed a new, lighter green wall model that broadens the possibilities of our modular green wall.

Green decor for every space – everything you want to know about green walls


Green walls can be found in many different places these days. Since green walls are gaining interest, we decided to put together an ABC of green walls, and gather all the information you need about our modular green walls in one blog. What kind of options are there with green walls? What type of space do green walls fit in? You will find the answers to these burning questions in this post.

Stunning green decor at Scandic Helsinki Hub makes both the courtyard and interior spaces shine


Scandic Helsinki Hub wanted to bring a striking touch of greenery to their new hotel. The green solutions aimed to bring both comfort and a modern, business-oriented feel to the spaces. InnoGreen designed and built a comprehensive green decor concept inside and outside, carefully considering the client’s wishes.

No more plastic – InnoGreen develops even more sustainable greenery


Greenery and sustainability often go hand in hand in our minds, but is that really the case? InnoGreen wants to modernize the green industry and develop even more sustainable green decor solutions that respect both nature and people. First the company launched the domestic Koivu plant pots to provide more ethically and sustainably produced planters. Now InnoGreen gives up the sale of plastic plants and brings stabilized plants to its selection.

The Koivu plant pots combine Finnish design with local craftmanship


In spring 2022 we launched our new Koivu plant pots to give our clients a more sustainable option for their green design solutions. The Koivu pots are made from Finnish birch plywood at our small factory in Nastola, Finland. Here we tell you a little bit more about the manufacturing process, from design to a beautiful, finished product.

Green designer’s five tips on selecting plant pots


Choosing the right pot is as important as choosing the right plant. The selection of pots is a stage in the green design process that requires both precision and a good perception of the whole. What does a green designer consider when preparing their proposal for pots for a client? Here are the top five things to consider!

Nature for all senses at Taikatahti kindergarten


Located in the heart of Helsinki, the Reggio Emilia pedagogical Music Kindergarten Taikatahti is like a small oasis in the middle of the city. Taikatahti is both an architectural and an interior design masterpiece example of how an urban space can be turned into a stimulating, natural and sensory-stimulating experience. Let’s take a closer look at what is so enchanting about Taikatahti!

Sustainable green design – presenting the Koivu plant pot series


The products in the Koivu pot series are designed and manufactured in Finland from Finnish birch plywood. The Koivu pot is a beautiful, functional, and responsibly produced home for plants. The manufacturing method of the pots is new, and a patent is pending.

Good green design and business space planning enables interaction at the workplace


Interaction is essential in every workplace, whether it requires being on site or remote connection. By planning the premises carefully and having a customer focus, it is also possible to enable interaction to happen naturally in the workplace. Also, competent green planning can have significant impact on general comfort, employees’ ability to concentrate and productivity.

Nature experience and its impact on us


We humans already have an intuitive understanding of the importance of nature - especially in Finland, where cities are mainly close to nature. On a global scale, Finland is a sparsely populated area, as many of us appreciate reaching nature directly from our own backyard.

A green decor plan saves money and efforts


A carelessly implemented green interior can be surprisingly costly if the plants do not thrive in the space, the pots are not waterproof, there are too many or too few plants in relation to the space, or the green interior does not improve the feel of the space as desired. Just as a house is not built without an architect, no high-quality green interior is created without a professional in greenery. If you want a sustainable and sensibly implemented green interior, it is wise to start with a green design plan.

Express your company’s values through greenery


Green plants and an eye-catching green wall are pleasant to look at and explore. Investing in green interior décor says more about your business than you might have thought. Have you ever considered that…

The offices of the future are transformative, inspiring, and green


The exceptional year 2020 has led many companies to think about their premises and their importance in a new way. Remote working and working hours spent at home have certainly made employees value common workspaces differently than before. But what are the things highlighted in the offices of the future? Our partner, co-founder of the design agency Scope Design, Eeva Mankinen, enlightened us with her visions about the business premises of the future.

Choosing the right plants for a greenwall really matters


Real plants or silk plants? Safe and familiar or something rare and surprising? One of InnoGreen’s founders and partner Mikko Sonninen explains how plants are chosen for the green wall to make it showy.

We are continuously developing the modular green wall


The original modular green wall of ours came to be in the year 2010. The story of our green wall began when one of our founders and partner Mikko Sonninen visioned that everyone should be able to enjoy a rainforest like lushness and greenery every single day. The demo used to introduce the modular green wall won at the Summer of Start Ups competition in 2010. After that Jaakko Pesonen and Oula Harjula teamed up with Mikko to further develop the green wall. With investors, the trio was able to create a product that is both functional and ecological. Behind all the tough work was the deep passion to bring people back closer to nature. 

We have preserved over 1 000 000 m2 of tropical forests


World Land Trust (WLT) is an international nature conservation organization that aims to preserve the most biologically significant and endangered habitats around the world. As a partner of WLT, we have taken part in the preservation of the Colombian Chocó rainforest, the cloud forests in the Andies and the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador.

The mesmerizing trees at Oodi library


The central library of Helsinki, Oodi has received plenty of international media attention. Beautiful, natural architecture and design make Oodi a remarkable place. When we were included in the making of the green decor at Oodi, we knew that this was something very special.

Comfortable environment increases sales


People are happy to run errands in a comfortable space, even if it’s just a quick stop. An enjoyable shop, office or restaurant is an important part of the shopping experience. A well-managed space creates positive feelings and meaningful and memorable experiences that factor into creating lasting customer relations.

190 square metres of verdancy – a huge green wall ensemble in kaari shopping centre


Four new, big green walls were built in Kaari shopping centre in Helsinki, while the shopping centre was renovated. Altogether there are over 7500 plants and almost 190 square metres of greenery.

The Spanish joy of life is blooming at Bar Cón in Kamppi


We are delighted to have received the chance to create the green decor for Bar Cón in the new Kortteli restaurant area in the Kamppi shopping centre. Bar Cón is a lively and authentic Spanish tapas bar, which “floats” on a raft above the shopping centre.

Plant terrarium – a piece of rainforest


For plant enthusiasts like us, a pot in the corner of the office simply isn’t enough. We wanted to bring a touch of exoticism and rainforest diversity to the chilly Nordic environment. Thus the plant terrarium was born. It brings a piece of the mystic of the Amazon into every interior in a convenient package.

A nature-inspired space – case Porkkalankatu


The lobby of an office building in Porkkalankatu, Helsinki, needed a facelift. Hundreds of people pass through the space daily and the slightly drooping plants weren’t exactly improving the busy mood.

Feel the jungle – case HopLop Vantaa


In HopLop, a sporty indoors playground for families, green decor has to be sustainable, movable and it needs volume. In this long-term partnership we plan the ensemble together - palm trees, ceiling panels and silk plant panels. There can be plenty of greenery, but the plants must not be an obstacle to play. The goal is to create the feeling of a jungle indoors. HopLop Vantaa was renewed this autumn and we also wanted to consider adults and the joy of doing things together in the design.

Employee experience matters


You must have heard about the customer experience, but are you familiar with the employee experience?

How business premesis affect job satisfaction


It is easy to forget how many things affect an employee’s productivity and job satisfaction. Wages are an obvious factor, but there are a lot of other things too; for example, the physical working environment and how tidy it is, the temperature changes in the office, and the attitude of the management and other employees.

Management should take an interest in employee job satisfaction


Job satisfaction is a hot topic of conversation - excessive sitting costs the government millions, and young people aren’t in good shape. Many people feel unwell at work. Fear and anxiety drive companies towards hard budget cuts. The first ones to suffer are employees.

Know this when buying your first green wall


Eye-catching green walls are built in Finland and elsewhere in Europe in an increasing number of public places and private residences. Green walls surprise and delight people using the space time after time. In small places, it’s possible to enjoy greenery without wasting floor space. But what does one have to take into account before installing a green wall?

Better acoustics naturally – case Helsinki Hall of Culture


The designing of the big conference rooms in the Helsinki Hall of Culture, designed by Alvar Aalto, was began with a clear need: the big spaces were in need of better acoustics and a new look. Aalto himself was passionate about nature and plants. Moss, which is natural and easy to maintain, was chosen to improve the acoustics.

A unique green tower in the Sello shopping centre


The Sello shopping centre in Espoo attracts thousands of visitors daily. The shopping centre has turned into more of a meeting place rather than just a concentration of shops. People come to spend time and enjoy themselves with friends and family. This makes the cosiness of both the inside and outside spaces more important than it used to be. We have been cooperating with the Sello shopping centre for a long time. This time around, our mutual goal was to create a unique eye-catcher.

Five creative ways to use a green wall


A green wall looks stunning, and studies show that a green wall makes a space more comfortable. Green decoration can also be used as a functional part of the space in different ways. We have gathered five creative and functional ways to use a green wall below.

A green work environment supports well-being and work


Plants have been shown to have enormous physiological and psychological benefits. Green plants, among other things, increase our work efficiency and alertness. They also soothe the mind, make us more relaxed and feel more comfortable. In addition, contact with nature helps us recover from stress and lowers our blood pressure. Green decors have a positive impact on our well-being and work.

Shopping center Kaari – one year green wall anniversary


A year ago shopping center Kaari requested something new and different. We provided four large green walls to Kaari to bring greenery and atmosphere to the shopping centre. The green walls have delighted both customers and employees. 

The positive effects of green decor can even be seen in the company’s profit


Plants increase our work efficiency and our attentiveness, calm our minds, and make us relax and feel more comfortable. Plants provide us with nature’s own medicine to support our wellbeing now and in the long term.