Interaction is essential in every workplace, whether it requires being on site or remote connection. By planning the premises carefully and having a customer focus, it is also possible to enable interaction to happen naturally in the workplace. Also, competent green planning can have significant impact on general comfort, employees’ ability to concentrate and productivity.

A market-like space enables gatherings

Jenni Koskela, the founder of Scope Design, that designs and implements office spaces, says that versatility and adaptability are key in designing office spaces that encourage interaction. Community spirit can be nurtured, for example, by creating market-like spaces in the middle of the office that encourage gatherings. In these premises, it is also important to take into account employees working remotely. AV technology, such as cameras and screens, should enable and support remote participation so that everyone can feel that they are really part of a gathering.

From an interaction point of view, it is important to also plan smaller spaces in the offices, suitable for group work. These can be, for example, different groups of seats and tables, separated from each other by different lighting and green elements.

We naturally seek to be close to nature and plants. Plants can be used to create impressive and memorable visual elements that affect our senses and emotions in many different ways. Green plants don’t always have to be in a traditional pot either, but they can, for example, be integrated directly into furniture or into various elements attached to the ceiling. Plants also work well as space dividers.

Plants calm and relax our mind and improve our mood. When relaxed and in a good mood, interaction and, for example, coming up with new ideas is also easier.

innogreen green decor
Picture: Wellu Hämäläinen

The green moss wall inspires the mind and acts as an acoustic element

An office that encourages active interaction as a counterweight also needs quiet working spaces that offer the peace needed to concentrate. In these quiet spaces as well, it is important to inspire the employee and offer the right amount of stimulating stimuli for the mind. At the same time, the space should give a sense of security and calmness. In these spaces, green elements, such as moss walls, offer not only stimulation and closeness to nature, but also practical benefits as elements that improve acoustics. In addition, being close to nature helps focus and improves productivity.

innogreen moss wall