Scandic Helsinki Hub wanted to bring a striking touch of greenery to their new hotel. The green solutions aimed to bring both comfort and a modern, business-oriented feel to the spaces. InnoGreen designed and built a comprehensive green decor concept inside and outside, carefully considering the client’s wishes.

The former printing house in the centre of Helsinki transformed into an urban hotel when Scandic Helsinki Hub moved into the premises in Autumn 2022. The hotel’s unique ambiance is created by loft-style rooms, and coworking spaces haven’t been forgotten either. We were thrilled to have the opportunity to design the green interior and landscaping for both the indoor and outdoor areas of this charming 1920s building.

Plants captivate hotel guests right at the entrance

When embarking on such a large project, it naturally involved an extensive process. Johanna Murto was responsible for the outdoor landscaping design at InnoGreen, while Kirsi Hänninen created the interior green decor. Although each aspect was developed as an individual entity, the plan as whole was worked out together for the client.

“We brainstormed ideas together with Kirsi, considering what we had to offer and bouncing ideas back and forth with each other. From our collective ideas, a proposal was formed for the client. The beauty of collaboration is that you can get great ideas and new perspectives from one another,” Johanna explains.

The process involved close collaboration between InnoGreen and the personnel of Scandic Helsinki Hub, both remotely and on-site. The interior designer of Scandic Helsinki Hub had already started considering the green decor, determining locations for vegetation. However, they trusted InnoGreen’s expertise in selecting the right pots and plants. Large custom-made pots were required for perennial plants to thrive for a long time. In addition, the design had to take into account which plants would flourish in the shaded inner courtyard.

When guests arrive at Scandic Helsinki Hub, greenery greets them right at the entrance and adorns the beautiful courtyard terrace. Careful selection of plants that can withstand Finnish weather conditions was made for the outdoor areas and terrace. While seasonal and perennial plants were used near the entrance, only perennial plants were planned for the courtyard. Perennial plants have the advantage that they don’t need to be replaced with changing seasons or over the years. Additionally, the seasonal plants near the entrance do not require constant changes when selected correctly; they only need to be adjusted as needed. The implementation includes evergreen dwarf mountain pines, Greenland moss, and Russian cherry trees.

“The starting point for the courtyard was to create an implementation that evokes a wow factor with its greenery. The round bench in the middle of the courtyard, with a tree growing in the center, has been particularly well-received,” Johanna explains.

Scandic Helsinki Hub is a strikingly green hotel

The fruits of collaboration are also evident when moving to the indoor areas, as the green implementation continues lush and abundant. The green decor provides the final touch to event and workspace areas, which open up with an open feel due to partially glass ceilings and walls. Notably, attention is drawn to stunning hummingbird flowers and various arrangements of green plants.

“With the green decor, we wanted to bring comfort and a modern business atmosphere to the indoor spaces, despite it being a beautiful old building. Copper or rusty corten steel pots are strong elements in the spaces, and that’s where we started the design process. In this way, we managed to create cohesion, and the placement of plants on different levels and in different sizes created visual interest,” Kirsi explains regarding the interior green decor.

Sometimes surprises arise in projects related to space, furniture, or even lighting conditions.

“Our strength at InnoGreen lies in how we adapt to changes when needed. New solutions are found smoothly, and it’s great how our team members can adapt to surprises and respond to them promptly with professionalism,” Kirsi reflects.

Green elements in various forms were introduced to the hotel’s spaces to ensure stunning greenery throughout, according to the client’s desires. Delightful hummingbird flowers and elephant ear plants were placed on windowsills, and trailing vines hanging elegantly downward from high spaces elevate the greenery to a new level. Large plants were positioned in the lounge area, and greenery was also brought onto the glassed terrace, where guests can almost feel like they are outside, in harmony with the open courtyard visible through the glass walls.

“InnoGreen added the final touch to the beautiful hotel environment.”

In hotel and workspace environments, green plants not only enhance comfort but also have numerous other benefits, according to studies. Abundant greenery improves acoustics, and green plants have been proven to enhance mood, promote relaxation, and calm the mind. Contact with nature reduces stress levels and lowers blood pressure, making plants suitable for both working and leisure environments. That’s why Scandic Helsinki Hub wanted a professionally crafted green design in their spaces that can withstand the test of time and use.

“The collaboration with InnoGreen’s designers, Kirsi and Johanna, went smoothly, and our perspectives were listened to. We were also included in the ideation process, and we managed to create impressive plant arrangements for different spaces. The end result was executed exactly as we wished,” says hotel manager Outi Hanhijärvi.

Are you interested in a hassle-free green implementation, where everything is taken care of for you? Contact our sales team, and we will bring together professionals to create a cohesive design for your indoor and outdoor spaces!

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