A green work environment supports well-being and work
Plants have been shown to have enormous physiological and psychological benefits. Green plants, among other things, increase our work efficiency and alertness. They also soothe the mind, make us more relaxed and feel more comfortable. In addition, contact with nature helps us recover from stress and lowers our blood pressure. Green decors have a positive impact on our well-being and work.We are constantly evaluating our surrounding space. We try to avoid unpleasant places and like to be close to nature. A view of the nature alone improves our mood, efficiency and positively changes the electric functions in our brains. Experiencing and observing nature restores focus and improves productivity.Plants support our well-being in an instant, but also in the long run. Nature’s own elements stimulate our subconscious. That’s why we feel healthier and have a greater sense well-being among plants, both at home and in the office.Indoor vegetation can influence the physical characteristics of a space such as its acoustics and how the space is divided. Plants can also be used to create contrasts or coziness. Through biophilic design, natural and sheltered “habitats” can be created in large and spacious places in order to promote wellbeing. - Mikko Sonninen, Founder, InnoGreenWhile plants can create spectacular and memorable visual experiences, selected plants influence our senses and feelings in many other ways. The natural scent of the plants enhances human emotions and evokes emotions. In addition, plants of different colors make us feel differently.A green office commits employees to their work
At its best, the green décor adapts to the color scheme and furnishings in a way that supports the story and purpose of the space. Whether it is an office, shop, restaurant or other space, green interior design is a planned entity that serves and brightens the users of the space each and every day.A green office commits employees to their work. Surrounded by green plants, employees focus on their work at a physical, cognitive and emotional level. A comfortable work environment improves the focus and performance of employees when performing challenging tasks, in addition to improving overall feeling of wellbeing.When we feel good, we do better. Our well-being is also reflected in the people around us, such as colleagues and customers. When we feel good, we are more productive, creative and spontaneous. Well-being and satisfaction at work are influenced by many factors, many of which can be influenced by the employer. The work environment plays a significant role in satisfaction.A workplace that supports well-being cuts sick leaves, promotes recruitment and retains good employees. When investing in comfort, positive changes in the staff can be seen and it affects the company’s performance. The employee feels committed to the company and its mission. When well-being at work is part of the company’s strategy, managers and leaders also feel responsible for employee well-being. Employees who feel good build a prosperous company.Sources for this blog post: Why plants in the office make us more productive. University of Exeter.Varjo Johanna, Hongisto Valtteri, Haapakangas Annu, Maula Henna, Keränen Jukka, Hakala Jarkko, Koskela Hannu, Oliva David (2013) Avotoimiston sisäympäristön ja sisustuksen vaikutus kognitiiviseen suoriutumiseen ja viihtyvyyteenVisuri Susanna, Saarni Heikki, Niemi Leena, Wibom Henri, Hämäläinen Riitta (2013) Hyvinvoiva yrittäjä - hyvinvoiva yritys.Salonen Heidi, Lappalainen Sanna, Lahtinen Marjaana, Nevala Nina, Lehtelä Jouni, Knibbs Luke, Morawska Lidia, Reijula Kari (2011) Sisäympäristön parantava ja elvyttävä vaikutus hyvinvointipalvelutiloissa - kirjallisuuskatsaus