Noise is a real nuisance in many cities. That’s why InnoGreen is participating in a trial with the City of Helsinki to find new, better, and greener solutions to tackle noise pollution. In the summer of 2023, we are fighting against noise with a green noise barrier at Erottaja Square.

In the center of Helsinki, at Erottaja Square, a green barrier was built with the aim of reducing noise pollution as well as providing green urban space for relaxation and enjoying the summer. The green noise barrier is part of the city’s experiment to explore the effects of green structures on the local sound environment and the comfort of urban areas. The aim is to see whether green walls can be more widely utilized in fighting noise pollution.

The green noise barrier is a nine-meter-long summer oasis that we designed and built in collaboration with Parkly and WSP. The green barrier consists of a green wall and benches, and the shape was designed using sound maps. The noise is dampened by an acoustic element built into the barrier. At the same time, the sound environment is refined to perfection with plant choices, allowing you to listen to the rustling of leaves instead of car noise.

InnoGreen building numerous benefits of urban greenery

In addition to reducing noise pollution, adding greenery to dense urban environments creates green pockets that can improve biodiversity, regulate microclimates, or manage runoff. For example, for the green barrier at Erottaja, pollinator-friendly plants have been selected, bringing joy to those passing by on Mannerheimintie.

Responsibility is also considered in the structure. The collaboration between InnoGreen and Parkly enables recyclability – all parts of the noise barrier are recycled and reused.

The project demonstrates the power of collaboration. The green barrier was built from Parkly’s modules, and InnoGreen was responsible for bringing lush vegetation to the barrier. WSP was in charge of acoustic design, noise measurements, and consulted on the visual compatibility of the barrier with the surrounding square. InnoGreen’s work with the green barrier continues throughout the summer as we maintain and take care of the barrier.

The results of the experiment are closely monitored throughout the summer using various measurements, such as noise levels, temperatures, and humidity. The barrier is even integrated into bumblebee monitoring!

Would you like to see how the green barrier was built? Check out the video here!