Choosing the right pot is as important as choosing the right plant. The selection of pots is a stage in the green design process that requires both precision and a good perception of the whole. What does a green designer consider when preparing their proposal for pots for a client? Here are the top five things to consider!

1. The pot needs to be secure and big enough 

Spectacular trees are increasingly in demand in high spaces. Trees and large plants also require large pots. The plant will feel at home for a longer period of time in a sufficiently large pot. When choosing the location for the plant and the pot, the green designer also considers, for example, the load-bearing capacity of the floor. A large tree along with soil and pot can weigh several hundred pounds together. In addition to being large enough, the pot must be stable and watertight so that the pot is safe not only for the plant but also for the people using the space.

2. Plant care should be safe and easy

In addition to the floor, plants are sometimes placed on walls, on space dividers, or in ampels. Whichever height the plants are situated at, the green designer also takes plant care into consideration. Our experienced experts also know how to care for the plants carefully in an office environment that requires delicacy. It is important to us that beautiful plants hanging from the ceiling receive water and care without compromising occupation safety. Our plant care professionals even use lifts at times, but even then, passageways, maintenance needs and work safety are carefully planned in advance so that nobody needs to do any climbing unless necessary.

Living plants like to reach in the direction of the light, and that’s why plants need to be rotated regularly to grow evenly. The need for pirouettes is always assessed by a plant care professional.

3. The color, texture and shape of the pot need to fit the space 

Green design is always based on the space and its users. As in plant selection, the feel and colors of the space, as well as its users, are taken into account when selecting the pots. For example, a space where children play should not have pots with sharp edges. If certain colors or shapes are strongly accentuated in the interior, these need to be taken into account in order to maintain a consistent look. Attention is also paid to the surface of the pots – is it rough or smooth, and how does the light bring out the surface or for example the grain of the wood?

innogreen pot koivu

4. The pot should be durable and sustainably produced 

It’s a common thought that a good pot is a pot that goes well with the interior design. We at InnoGreen demand more from a pot. The production and transport of the pot needs to be sustainable both from an environmental and socioeconomically responsible view. 

For our part, we want to make sure that green design can be done more responsibly. The pot must be a long-term home for the plant, and the pot must withstand critical examination of how it is manufactured. That is why we have developed a completely domestic Birch pot series. InnoGreen’s Birch pots are made from Finnish birch plywood in Nastola, so the journey from the factory to the final home is relatively short. Local cooperation also guarantees short delivery times and good availability.

5. The pots can be arranged in groups, be placed individually or be part of the interior design

Goodbye lonely pot, hello great looking arrangements! Let your interior designer’s creativity flow when it’s time to decide on the placement of the plants. The plants look their best in differently sized groups where plants of various sizes and species are used. Same goes for the pots; the more boldly different materials, textures, shapes, and sizes are combined, the more personal and spectacular the whole becomes. Of course, you don’t always have to go for the jungle feeling as pots can also be used to create elegant and airy ensembles. Tell your green designer about your wishes and he or she will look for the most suitable options for you!

From green design to implementation

Green design is the first step of green interior implementation. Our green designers get to know our clients’ space, wishes and needs, and then produce a detailed plan for implementing the green interior. The green design plan includes among others, proposals for plants, pots and placement while taking into consideration the client’s brand, space characteristics and maintenance of the plants. A professionally made green design plan guarantees a great looking green interior and makes it easier to budget for it.

Ask us more and ask for a green design plan quote:

Liivika Korkalo

Liivika Korkalo

Green decor – – 040 838 3223